Solar Flares and the Aether Dynamic
Alfvénic Dynamics, Force-Free Model, Energy Dissipation, Aether DynamicsAbstract
This study investigates the dynamics of Solar flares using the "closed fluid dynamic principle" proposed by Muhammad Aslam Musakhail, which reinforces the pre-Einsteinian aether theory. By defining the "aether force" as the difference between relativistic total mass and rest mass, the principle provides a novel perspective on the relativistic transitions in Solar flare phenomena. The analysis builds on Parker's force-free model and Melrose’s resistive slab theory, extending them to describe the dual-phase dynamics of Solar flares: the Alfvénic phase, where massive fermions (v<c) propagate as Alfvén waves, and the heat-dissipation phase, where fermions transition to massless states (v=c), driven by current sources. Key results reveal that energy dissipation scales with resistivity, and the temporal evolution of Poynting flux and magnetic fields highlights distinct transitions between the phases. Numerical simulations demonstrate the exponential decay of axial magnetic fields and the helical organization of flux tubes. These findings validate theoretical predictions and provide insights into particle acceleration, magnetic reconnection, and energy transfer mechanisms during Solar flares. This work not only advances the understanding of Solar flare energetics but also establishes a mathematical framework that can be extended to other astrophysical phenomena, such as cosmic ray acceleration and stellar flares. Future studies should focus on numerical validation and observational testing to refine the dual-phase model and its broader applicability.
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