Generalization of Vaidya’s Metric for A Radiating Star to Rotating Star



  • J.J Rawal The Indian Planetary Society (IPS), B-201, Vishnu Apartment, Lokmanya Tilak Road, Borivali (West), Mumbai – 400092 (India)
  • Bijan Nikouravan * Department of Physics, Islamic Azad University (IAU),Varamin, Pishva Branch, Iran



Vaidya metric for a radiating star, its generalization to a slowly rotating star


Schwarzschild's external solution of Einstein’s gravitational field equations in the general theory of relativity for a static star has been generalized by Vaidya [1], taking into account the radiation of the star. Here, we generalize Vaidya’s metric to a star that is rotating and radiating. Although, there is a famous Kerr solution [2] for a rotating star, but here is a simple solution for a rotating star which may be termed as a zero approximate version of the Kerr solution. Results are discussed.


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How to Cite

Rawal, J., & Nikouravan *, B. (2021). Generalization of Vaidya’s Metric for A Radiating Star to Rotating Star: Astrophysics. Hyperscience International Journal, 1(1), 1–7.