Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in ‎ a Multi-Fold Universe

Quantum Gravity


  • Stephane H. Maes  ESSEM Research, United States (USA)‎




Quantum Gravity‎, Quantum Entanglement‎, Multi-fold Universe, Standard Model with Gravity (SMG)‎


We start from a hypothetical multi-fold universe UMF , where the propagation of everything is slower or equal to the speed of light and where entanglement extends the set of paths available to Path Integrals. This multifold mechanism enables EPR (Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen) “spooky actions at distance” to result from local interactions in the resulting folds. It produces gravity-like attractive effective potentials in the spacetime, between entangled entities, that are caused by the curvature of the folds. When quantized, multi-folds correspond to gravitons and they are enablers of EPR entanglement. Gravity emerges non-perturbative and covariant from EPR entanglement between virtual particles surrounding an entity. In UMF, we encounter mechanisms that predict gravity fluctuations when entanglement is present, including in macroscopic entanglements. Besides providing a new perspective on quantum gravity, when added to the Standard Model as (SMG), with non-negligible affects at its scales, and to the Standard Cosmology, UMF can contribute explanations of several open questions and challenges. It also clarifies some relationships and challenges met by other quantum gravity models and Theories of Everything. It leads to suggestions for these works. We also reconstruct the spacetime of UMF, starting from the random walks of particles in an early spacetime. UMF now appears as a noncommutative, discrete, yet Lorentz symmetric, spacetime that behaves roughly 2-Dimensional at Planck scales, when it is a graph of microscopic Planck size black holes on a random walk fractal structure left by particles that can also appear as microscopic black holes. Of course, at larger scales, spacetime appears 4-D, where we are able to explain curvature and recover Einstein’s General Relativity. We also discover an entanglement gravity-like contributions and massive gravity at very small scales. This is remarkable considering that no Hilbert Einstein action, or variations expressing area invariance, were introduced. Our model also explains why semi classical approaches can work till way smaller scale than usually expected and present a new view on an Ultimate Unification of all forces, at very small scales. We also explore opportunities for falsifiability and validation of our model, as well as ideas for futuristic applications, that may be worth considering, if UMF was a suitable model for our universe Ureal  .


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Author Biography

Stephane H. Maes , ESSEM Research, United States (USA)‎

Stephane H. Maes 

ESSEM Research, United States (USA)



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How to Cite

Maes , S. H. (2022). Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in ‎ a Multi-Fold Universe: Quantum Gravity. Hyperscience International Journal, 2(4), 136–219. https://doi.org/10.55672/hij2022pp136-219