Study of Resonance Helical Magnetic Field (RHF) Effect In IR-T1 Tokamak Plasma Using Hilbert-Huang Transform

Plasma Physics


  • H. Faridyousefi Plasma Physics Research Center, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran,1477893855, Iran
  • M.K. Salem * Plasma Physics Research Center, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
  • M. Ghoranneviss Plasma Physics Research Center, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran



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In the IR-T1 Tokamak the effect of a resonance helical magnetic field (RHF) on plasma confienment are presented using Hilbert-Huang Transform method.Mirnov coil data analyzed by Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT) and decomposed to the main intrinsic mode functions(imfs) and their instantanous frequencies (IFs). We find that, HHT method can extract MHD activities with different amplitudes in the different times. Then, the IFs of these modes can be calculated by Hilbert Transform (HT). As a comparison of WT and HHT analysis the Hilbert spectrum has much better frequency definition. Amplitude modulation of Mironov oscillations in IR-T1 tokamak plasma generate intra-wave frequency modulation, In the Hilbert spectrum analysis this effect is small compared to the STFT and WT spectrums. In our study, Magnetic islands with frequency around 40 kHz can be seen in wavlet Transform(WT) and HHT results in ohmic and RHF discharges. The HHT results after application of l=2/n=1 resonant field show that, the amplitude of m=2 poloidal MHD mode are amplified and then suppressed for a few milliseconds after amplification. Similarly, the amplitude of the m=3 MHD mode are amplified and then strongly suppressed by the start of the l=3/n=1 resonant field.


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How to Cite

Faridyousefi, H. ., Salem *, M. ., & Ghoranneviss , M. (2021). Study of Resonance Helical Magnetic Field (RHF) Effect In IR-T1 Tokamak Plasma Using Hilbert-Huang Transform: Plasma Physics. Hyperscience International Journal, 1(1), 13–21.